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RIA Market Insights: Refining the Opportunity

The Retail Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) market remains a source of innovation and growth in the financial advisor marketplace and a distribution opportunity for asset management firms, product providers, custodians, and investment and advisor platforms, TAMPs, and fintech providers. Understanding the evolving RIA market opportunity is critical for firms focused on optimizing intermediary distribution channels. 

The report is informed by ISS MI’s advisor sentiment and behavioral research, and our proprietary business intelligence, data and analytics platforms – synthesized through the unique vantage point of deep industry, market and product expertise. 

Why does this matter?

  • Identify which RIA segments are growing most to refine, size and target the addressable RIA market
  • Deepen understanding of RIA product and distribution support preferences
  • Best practices for distribution and marketing based on firms that are using the RIA distribution channel 
  • Decision framework on whether to employ a cross-channel, dedicated, or segmented distribution model
  • and much more

To learn more about what’s included in this report including the table of contents, report framework, and special analysis sections. Fill out the form to download the brochure for more information.

RIA Market Insights" Refining the Opportunity

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Informed by Proprietary Data, Analytics and Expertise  

This report leverages data from across ISS MI’s suite of proprietary data platforms and research solutions, including advisor survey research, and qualitative insights from in-depth interviews with asset managers, custodians, and RIAs  combined with market sizing and segmentation data from ISS MI’s Discovery Data and BrightScope solutions – synthesized through the unique vantage point of deep industry expertise.

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